College Hostel

KSN Government Degree College for Women is situated in 3.99 acres of land.  It has a student managed College Attached Hostel (CAH) with two blocks.  The third block with seven dormitories, hostel dining hall and library block are under construction.  The hostel accommodates more than three hundred students.  The Principal acts as the Chief Warden of the hostel and is assisted by two faculty members.  The two hostel wardens look after the general welfare of inmates and address grievances if any.

College Hostel Committee

1. Dr.P.Sankaraiah                    Warden

2. V.Mary Madhuri                      Deputy Warden

3. N.Dhanalakshmi                    Deputy warden

4. S.Lakshmi Rangaiah              Member

5. J.S.Parveen                            Member

6. C.Annapurna                          Member

7. J.Krishnaveni                          Member

8. T.Renuka Devi                         Members

9.  M.Sowgandhika                       Member

10. K.Sreenivasa Prasad              Member

11. S.B.Sujatha                               Member

12. A.Anusha                                  JKC Mentor





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